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Understanding Depression

Why don’t I feel good!

Depression.. The ‘hidden’ disorder.

Depression is not something that’s imagined, or ‘all in your head’. It’s a very real medical disorder that affects millions of people in Malaysia and all over the world each year. Yet, as common as it is, depression is also misunderstood and many times not recognized.

How could something so common go untreated so often? The reason are many.

Some people may not seek treatment for depression because they fell that sooner or later they’ll ‘snap out of it’. Some may consider depression a weaknesses or personal failure that they should be able to handle on their own. Some may also not realize that there may be effective medical treatment.

So people who may be depressed often don’t discuss their symptoms with their doctors, and their depression remains hidden.

What is depression?
Understanding Depression

Depression is a real illness with real causes and real symptoms to help you recognize it. Since we’re all different, symptoms may vary widely from person to person. Not everyone will have the same symptoms, nor experience the same type of symptoms. But the symptoms usually affect your daily functioning and the symptoms persist.

In making a diagnosis of clinical depression, doctors consider the severity and duration of symptoms and whether the symptoms occur together. Spectrum of symptoms in depression includes:

Emotional symptoms

  • Sad all the time
  • Loss of interest
  • Stressed
  • Anxious
  • Feelign of guilt
  • Suicidal ideation

Physical symptoms

  • Low energy
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Headaches
  • Psychomotor changes
  • GI disturbances
  • Appetite changes
  • Aches and pains
Many depressed patients have a combination of both emotional and physical symptoms.

If any of these symptoms seem to hit ‘close to home’ for you, you might find it helpful to talk things over with a doctor.

What causes depression?

Many doctors believe that one thing that may cause depression is the imbalance of a naturally occuring chemical in the body, serotonin and norepinephrine. Researched have discovered that a tendency to experience depression may be hereditary like high blod pressure and diabetes.

Depression may be triggered by a number of factors acting alone or in combination. Among them are secere stress such as grieving over the death of family member or close friend or even undergoing a divorce.

Serious or chronic physical illness or major surgery may trigger depression too. Some commonly prescribed medications including some cardiovascular drugs, hormones, birth control pills and drugs used to treat Parkinson’s disease, may also bring on depression, or make it worse.

Sometimes there are no known triggers at all. Depression can appear suddenly, for no apparent reason.

Whatever the trigger, treatments are available that many have found to be safe and effective.

Talking to your doctor is the first step.

The good news is that most people with depression will respond to treatment. Doctors are learning more and more about the diseases and how it can be treated.
By consulting your doctor today, you’ll be giving yourself the chance to recover from depression. And, you’ll get the help and support necessary to begin enjoying your life again.

Sources from : Flyer by Eli Lilly (M) Sdn Bhd.

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