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Stress reduction through mindfulness

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The exercises here were developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, and are featured in the book ‘A Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Workbook.’ written by Bob Stahl, PhD, and Elisha Goldstein, PhD.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a way to coming back to the present moment.
Anxiety (worry about future) and depression (sadness about the past) take us away from the present moment.
Mindfulness helps alleviate the pain of anxiety and depresson by focusing on the now.

Key points
Mindfulness is not magic. Do not exct miraculous results or immediate changes. Have a sense of humor and forgive yourself.
There is no ‘right way’ to do mindfulness. Don’t get lost in the details.

Mindful Walking (10 minutes)

Pick a route to walk that is familiar to you
Breath naturally and walk at a comfortable pace by keeping your back straight.
Focus on the heel of your foot as it contacts the ground and then focus on the front of your foot as it contacts the ground after the heel.
Imagine that you are walking on sand and trying not to leave footprint, steping lightly.
Focus on your breathing without trying to change it.
Let thoughts come and go, always coming back to your steps and breathing.

Mindful Sitting (5 minutes)

Sit comfortably with your back straight
Rest your hands in your lap, close your eyes, and breathe naturally.
Focus on your breathing.
As you breathe in, count ‘1’ in your head.
As you breathe out, count ‘2’ in your head.
As you breathe in again, count ‘3’ in your head.
As you breathe out again, count ‘4’ in your head.
Continue this way until you get to ’10’ then start back to ‘1’ again.
When you have other thoughts don’t try to stop them . Let your thoughts come and go.
Continue counting and focus on your breath.

Body Scan (3 minutes)
Sit comfortably, in a quiet space, breathing naturally, and focus on the sensation in your left big toe.
Relax all the musclesin your left big toe.
Move your focus and relaxation to the rest of the toes on your left foot.
Slowly move your awareness up your left foot and la all the muscles of your left foot as you go.
Move your focus slowly up to your ankle, calf, knee, and thigh. Notice what each body part feels like and relaxing as you go.
Now, switch to the right leg and go through the same exercise.
Then focus on relaxing your stomach, chest, lower back, and upper back.
Then focus on your left fingers and relax all the way up to your left arm.
Switch to your right arm.

How to do stress reduction through mindfulness

Have you ever taken a walk on a beautiful morning, felt the warm sun on your face, and even for a split second found your mind blank only basking in the feeling? That’s mindfulness. Have you ever had sweet and good thoughts in your mind skidded to a halt? That’s mindfulness!

Minfulness training helps us extend these experiences and teaches us ways of being able to bring up these moments when we’re feeling stressed.

Read about Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA) here

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