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About Mental Illness

About Mental Illness

I want to share about mental illness awareness flyer that I received last few years.

Did you know that one in two of us are frightened by people with mental illness?

And 4-in-5 think it is harder to admit having mental illness than other illness.

Pscho, Nuts, Crazy
is a common description if people with mental illness. #EndtheStigma

About Mental Illness

More than 60% of people with mental health problems won’t seek the help they need. Stigma is one of the main reasons. We can change this.

Why do we need to end the stigma?

Fear of rejection and discrimination can delay the journey to recovery
Most mental health conditions are
Less than a third of employees who need treatment get the help they
Mental health are the leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020

How to end the stigma?

Learn more about mental illness
Avoid using stigmatizing language such as nutcase, psycho, crazy (or even problem!)
Speak out about stigma-most people are ignorant, not
Avoid watching stigmatizing media

Go to any government clinic to get referral letter and you can get treatment at Rawatan Psikiatri & Psikologi HPUPM

Facebook of Unit Kaunseling & Kerja Sosial Perubatan HSAAS

This site content is for informational purposes only, and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please seek professional advise if there are any needs.

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